Go Green Park Ridge, a community group whose mission is “to raise environmental awareness in Park Ridge and to inspire residents, businesses and our government entities to take action to live and work more sustainably,” has named the Park Ridge Library as a Changemaker for the work of members of our management team to implement green initiatives in the Library as outlined in the Library’s strategic plan:
- In 2021, Adult Services Manager Laura Scott (pictured at right) was approached by Go Green Park Ridge (GGPR) to form an environmentally-focused book discussion series. Green Reads launched in 2021 and meets quarterly.
- Scott also worked with the the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), an intergovernmental agency that facilitates the delivery of effective, competitive, and environmentally sound management and reuse of municipal waste for its members. Scott secured funding through SWANCC for a thermal camera for the Exploration Library collection in 2023.
- Scott also expanded the Library’s recycling efforts by collaborating with the Library’s Technical Services department, led by Manager Lauren Bochat (pictured above left). In the past year, her department collected 150 pounds of packing and shipping materials to be reused. This effort was made possible through a partnership with EcoShip Chicago, a nonprofit, community-based organization.
- In August 2023, Scott implemented a composting process in the library’s staff lunchroom using services by Collective Resource Compost Cooperative.
“Go Green Park Ridge strives to raise environmental awareness in Park Ridge and to inspire residents, businesses, and our government entities to take action to live and work more sustainably,” said Catherine Inserra, co-director of Communications for Go Green Park Ridge. “Changemakers is an engaging way to highlight what neighbors in the Park Ridge community are doing for sustainability. Whether a business, individual, organization or group, being a Changemaker matters! Nominations are easy and can be submitted through the website. Love where you live!”